Getting rid of the onion smell from your hands after chopping???!
I can't stand the smell of onion on my hands after chopping, but have been doing a lot of cooking lately. My hands still smell of onions after making the Thanksgiving stuffing and I have washed them ALOT!!
Help would be appreciated! TIA!
Answers: Hey y'all!
I can't stand the smell of onion on my hands after chopping, but have been doing a lot of cooking lately. My hands still smell of onions after making the Thanksgiving stuffing and I have washed them ALOT!!
Help would be appreciated! TIA!
take a stainless steel teaspoon, chances are this is what you already have in the cutlery drawer, and use it under cold running water as if it were a bar of soap, it will take away the smell of onion and garlic immediately STRANGE BUT TRUE, next time you are in a cook shop look around, they sell what looks like a pebble of stainless steel, for exactly this reason, it looks like a metal bar of soap, no chef is ever without one, i love mine and had it years, but a spoon works equally well, try it, you will be amazed, use it as if it were soap, rub all over your hands, under cold water, no onion smell at all!
here is a link, this one is sitting in a black holder, mine just sits on its own but gives you an idea, its WELL worth the investment
Washing your hands with lemon juice always does the trick hope it works out for you!!!
wash with ammonia
Try rubbing lemon juice all over you hands.
Try washing your hands in Vinegar. You may have to do this more than once.
i always put salt on my hands, cutting board and rinse with water.. works for me hope you see that it works....
Lemon juice or vinegar water you can smell the vinegar for a while after application but it evaporates rather quickly.
I buy those bags of really thin and inexpensive throw away gloves. They look like medical latex gloves. They have a very close fit so onions are easy to chop. When you remove the gloves, because they fit so tightly, you just grab at the wrist and pull them off- they end up inside out, so you never get the onion smell on you period. Before I discovered those, I kept tomato juice on hand. Rubbing a small amount of it in your hands and rinsing them removes the worst of it. Gloves are by far better. You can get these in the cleaning isle at Wal Mart or even in the paint department or a dollar store.
here are tricks I used to use at work(now we have gloves...the only problem is you may not like the smell of some of the stuff you are using
- ketchup we some times rub ketchup on our hands for a minute or two and then rinse off.
- Just lemon but usually we use lemon juice and salt and rub palms together.
-Pickle juice (but then you smell like a pickle)
good luck (I use disposable gloves at home now too- tey are not very expensive- I know that doesn't help now but for next time maybe...