Do shop assistants actually stop girls from buying Yorkie bars?!
Answers: I'll be very sad if they don't. I thought they were the last male preserve. There's nothing that makes me feel more like a man than the feeling of a Yorkie bar filling my mouth.
you are SAD mate, its a silly advert, get a life, and a little exercise.
Ummm....get out more
i dont care i like galaxy !
nope otherwise there would be court cases. If you tell sdomeone not to do something they dont. Not for girls actually means just for girls
mmmmm...i love yorkie bars, they're almost as good as kinder buenos...i was once in a shop buying a yorkie and the assisstent started messing around saying it wasn't for girls, but like i said, he was just messing around.
yahoo thinks yorkie is a dog.. ie yorkshire terrier. :)
if a shop assistant stopped me buying a yorkie bar i would NOT be happy. they are NOT just for you guys yanno. so live with it.
lmao! no! my friend buys them all the time!
lol unfortunately not,that's equality for you,but where's the harm in a girl eating a Yorkie i guess that's just sexist to stop them
don't be so ridiculous you sexist pig!!
haha i'm joking, i'm sure you're lovely.
but we girls can handle a mere yorkie very easily.
lol, my daughter (5) was moaning about them the other day, she said 'i'd really like a yorkie bar but i'm not allowed cus i'm a girl' it took me ages to convince her she wouldnt be in trouble for eating it if i bought her one! :)
No. That is so unfair. Yorkies taste nice; why do u think that only guys should be allowed to have one? This is so old-fashioned. Act modern.
Mmm I want a yorkie now...
Nobody ever stopped me buying a Yorkie bar. My money just as good as yours.
If I want a Yorkie I'll have a Yorkie and woah betide any shopkeeper telling me different!!
But I do prefer dairy milk***
In my answer to "I need taking down a peg or two" I didn't really mean what I said. I just thought it was an effective put down and might have met the criteria you wanted. I thought I would mail you to tell you but couldn't
No they dont, girls are allowed to buy Yorkie bars : )
I buy quite a few and Im definately a girl : )
Nobody stopped me the last time I brought one. If they did try then I could take my money elsewhere and tell everyone I know never to go to that shop again - I don't think a smart business person would do that.
no they don't stop you buying if you are a girl but i wish they had stopped me because i thought it was horrible