Why do poeple eat alot of pie?!
Answers: when i was growing up i always had a new pecan pie on the table ready to eat. i wander why i always ate pecan but never liked it.
because it is slow suicide...killing urself with fatting pie. Ur mother should be arressted for 1st degree murder. EAT FRUIT!!!
It tastes good
ha that's weird.. i just ate like three pieces of pie.. but it was good
because it is sooo damn tasty
pecan is bad. try apple and pumpkin, and cherry. oh and chocolate.
i think it's because eating is sort of a habit, and it's hard to get rid of it.
i love pecan pie.
family of origin... we do what we were taught
2 days after Thanksgiving I am asking the same question
people eat pie because it's yummy. probably eat it because it's comfort food.
It's an american tradition. i think we're like obligated to like it or else you're not "american" kinda like bbq's, hot dogs, hamburgers, and baseball games
i dont know i like cherry pie a little but i hate pecan
i personally LOVE cheesecake. i would eat it everyday..but i cant cuz i dont do well with lactose. *cry* but i still eat it now and then.. =]
i only eat it like 3 times every year but to other people:
1. it's good
2. tradition
3. addicting
but other than that don't eat too much pie cause pie turns to fat >___< eat something else not as fattening like fruit