Fried pigs blood?!

Question: is so so tasty have you tried it?mmmmmmm how can the blood of pigs taste so sweet?

Answers: is so so tasty have you tried it?mmmmmmm how can the blood of pigs taste so sweet?

Black Pudding! it is soooooo delicious on a fried breakfast with eggs, bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes hash browns etc etc etc


Dude, I just threw up on my cat.


no thanks.

I don't know...But I love the blood of cows.

I am not that hungry; thanks.

i am assuming you don't live anywhere near me because i have never seen this in my local food store...and i do not want to! i don't think you could pay me to eat that.

~that has to be the single most disgusting thing i have heard today. i would never try anything from that filthy animal, and never would i eat/drink blood. that is barbaric~

second of all wher in the heck did you get that CRAZY idea
third of all is there actually anyone else that likes it

I was born in England, so a lot of my relatives have Black Pudding, which.... among other things, consists of congealed pigs blood.

When fried, it sort of tastes like bacon.

Actually, my Grandmother gave me some to try without telling me what it was and it was delicious! Of course,... now that I know what it was made of, I'm unlikely to repeat the experience!

No, I have not and I refuse to ever give it a try. That is disgusting.

hmmmm. sounds interesting. Is it anywhere as good as pickled pigs feet? Or cow tongue? Or snails? Or Okinomiaki? Or chicken brain?

its black pudding and i love it.!!

I think it's funny that a lot of the people who are so disgusted probably enjoy eating fried pig's blood as long as it's encased in a strip of bacon, a piece of ham or a pork chop!

I have tried pigs blood but only in soup. The congealed blood is served together with other parts of the pig in a delicious soup.

However here is a recipe for pigs blood fritters.

Did you eat this?

Black Pudding is eaten in many countries.
It is fried and added to sausage,bacon & eggs for breakfast.

This is called Black Pudding in the UK!

And no I don't eat it, I'm vegetarian.

Isn't that what they blood sausage out of, pigs blood or black pudding? They make something out of it. How about head cheese (pigs brain), I tried it once, but I couldn't get over the pigs brain part. Same goes for pigs blood I'm afraid. I have however, drank deer blood, right out of it's neck, but that was a right of passage thing, and when it's still body temp it has a sickly sweet taste and is quite thick. But I wouldn't make a habit of it. I did it 25 years ago, have hunted many animals since, but never had the urge to drink their blood again.

Black pudding - awful for the arteries

OH NO not another SICK feeling really ill now...

Please post something nicer......TA X

Called black pudding where I come from.

What's your game mate?

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