Whats the best way to keep my coffee fresh...?!
Answers: ...a few days after opening, it taste a lil bitter, i keep it in the fridge, but how do YOU keep your already ground coffee fresh?
If you buy ground coffee, go to a shop where it is ground on-site or where you can grind your own. Store coffee at room temperature in a cool, dark and dry spot. Do not keep it in the refrigerator, where it can absorb moisture and food odors.
Ideally, you should shop for coffee each week. If this is impractical, buy a two-week supply: Keep enough to last a week in the container you use each day, and place the rest in a separate airtight jar.
Those who like to buy coffee in bulk can keep a week's supply on hand and store the remainder in the freezer for up to three months, dividing it into one-week portions among plastic freezer bags.
Let coffee warm up before brewing; never return it to the freezer once it has reached room temperature.
I keep mind in a seal container and keep it in the freezer.
seal it in a container
keep it in the fridge and before brewing a pot of coffee, add a dash of salt, it minimizes the bitterness.
Urine works wonders.
What container do you keep it in?
I don't notice the bitterness, since you are sensitive to this I would recommend grinding your own beans. You just need a little grinding machine, I don't think they're too expensive, it's worth the freshness.
Here's a link to a bunch of grinders sold at wal-mart to give you an idea:
put it in a tight container in the refridgerator after every use put it back in the bitterness add a teaspoon of salt mix it around and the biterness should go away if that doesnt work put it in the feezer.
I grind mine, put it in an airtight container and then store it in the freezer.