Are those ''pod" coffee pots a worthwhile buy or will they soon be hasbeens?!
Answers: I've heard good things about them, but it depends on the quality of the coffee you're using. Frankly, I prefer to get my beans whole at the market, where the merchant does her own roasting on a daily basis. Then, I grind my beans as I need them -- and at a much lower price than the individual pods. Also, I use a French press, which I prefer to any electric machine that I've used.
The best way to control the flavor and quality of your coffee is to grind your own beans.
Whether the pods last or not, you'll get a better brew if you do it yourself.
Pod "ESE" from illy cafe, are great. You get the same cup of coffee every time. no mess. It is not the same as the $29 machines you buy at Bed Bath and Beyond, you need to spend a bit more. But I do like the illy pods.