How much is Green Tea really healthy for us?!
Answers: Well, somehow during the week i got addicted to drinking Green Tea for a while haha lol So since i am drinking this tea so much i really wonder how much this stuff can help and make your body healthy? lol :]
Yes, they help get rid of toxins in the body. Antioxidants are nutrients or vitamins that help prevent damage to the heart, arteries and other tissues in the body. They help to neutrlize free radicals before they harm our bodies.
Examples of antioxidants include: Vitamin C & E, Selenium which must come from our diets. Blueberry is also a good source of antioxidant as well as green tea.
Free radicals are substances that are produced from our body activities such as breathing and exercising and our lifestyle habits such as smoking which may harm our bodies.
Antioxidants help our cells from being damaged from free radicals and prevent diseases.
Eat a well balanced diet that contains the many vitamins and minerals that are excellent sources including: broccolli, red and green peppers, carrots, tomatoes, nuts, fruits and other vegetables.
All these and more along with your green tea will help you be healthy as well as get rid of the free radicals that can make you prone to diseases.
It was cold yesterday and I felt a little under the weather. So, I brewed some green tea from China. I drank about 10 cups of tea. I felt better and kept me warmer throughout the night.
Green tea contain antioxidants - the good stuff that cleans out the bad stuff (oxide cells in your body) and full of vitamin C. If you really like green teas, I suggest you shop at your local Chinese market or health food store. There are hundreds of tea selections. My favorites are oolong tea and pu-er tea. Hot tea will degrease the food you eat. (can be used for weigh loss). Ask someone at the Dim Sum restaurants, they are familiar with the teas more than just a simple Chinese restaurant.
Oh yes it is excellent for you. We drink it a lot in our home!