Ahhh! I fixed grilled tuna for dinner it was wonderful... but now my whole house stinks!!?!
Answers: I've tried opening windows, but it is freezing here!!! Any other suggestions?
Put 1 part vinegar and 1 part water in a pan and bring it to a boil. Let boil for 5 minutes without a lid. Should take away the smell.
Wash/scrub all your pots/pans/plates/platters that you used.
If you used an indoor {George Foreman} grill, either scrub that too or put it outside.
That's what I have to do anytime I make french toast or pancakes - can't stand the "after smell".
Get some Lysol out and start spraying. Bring your fans out and keep the air circulating. Buy a toilet scenter? and let that take away the stink. hmmm....
lemon candle?
wash the dishes and pour some dishwashing solution down the drain?
baking soda down the drain?
lysol air spray?
hopefully you finished it and didn't put any back in the frig.
The problem is you did not invite me over:(
Oust and Lysol
i agree with oust it works