Does gum ever liquify in your mouth?!
(Furthermore, is this the right section to post this question in?)
Answers: I'm not sure if I spelled liquify right, but has gum ever just turned to plain JUICE while you were chewing it? That happens to me all the time. It's gross, so I had to switch gum brands. (It was Wrigley that turned to juice - yuck!)
(Furthermore, is this the right section to post this question in?)
Yes, I've had that happen recently, but it never happened like that years ago. Maybe the consistency or formula has changed. I find gum has a bit of a different texture these days, perhaps due to the additives.
You've chewed it too long? I have had it sort of fall apart, but I'd been chewing it for a long time; and it was Wrigley's.
That has happened to me before and yes this is the right place to post the question.
yeah that has happened to me with winterfresh and that gum that unrolls into one really long piece that you break off. i think my saliva just dissolves it or its a really old piece of gum.
Sounds gross!
No I've never had that happen. I thought gum was pretty much indestructible otherwise it wouldn't stick around on the pavement for so long.