Whats it mean when someone says you smell like beans and cheese?!
Answers: Is this a joke because I don't eat beans and cheese?
lol, aww, but anyway thats not nice and its not a compliment no matter in what manner that person is telling u
stinky that's all.
They are saying you stink.
They're saying you farted.
Never heard the expression but I am preety sure it is not a compliment.
you smell like a burrito. are you latin?
it means they smell like a fart or smell like they crapped in there pants. Also they could be saying the persons smells like they work at taco bell or something.
It is their nice way of telling you need to take a shower. Next time they might not be so polite.
anyone can see that the person said you stink, of course.
a good thing would be like.. u smell good, fresh and new.
you smell like farts
It means you probably had a burrito for lunch!