Answers: i am now eating a hotdog with chillie. 20 mins ago on my last question i was eatinng a grilled chicken sandwich plain and hush puppys
Nothing yet. I'm still answering questions and teasing my hunger while reading about all of this delicious food.
Mmmm! Chillie dog! I like mine all the way with mustard!
Now, I'm really getting hungry!
m+m, jolly ranchers
umm NOTHING!!! on a caffeine and adrenaline rush!!! Have to finish apps and stuff.
** coffee and adrenaline shouldn't be mixed, it makes you to jittery.
I think if you're a girl you should take a pregnancy test, and if you're a guy, you should be checked out to see if you have a tape worm! Do you think you are in the beginnings of a food fetish?