Do you prefer Brie or Camembert?!
Answers: And what are the differences in the taste?
When I was a chef and could get my hand on it I would always gravitate to the Triple Cream Brie, they also called it heart attack cheese, because of its 70% butterfat content, but what a way to go.
I worked in one palce and the owner who was from France was hooked on this raw milk camembert, it is a bit headier than regular, and I do like one's made with goats milk.
Taste wise even low end is not much different one from the other, brie is runnier and has a sweeter taste, camembert is firmer and a bit sharper like chedar, in the 1980's it was all the rage to batter or bread and deep fry camembert.
I thought that they were the same... shows how little i
for me i find brie overpowering, while camembert more subtle , tastes nicer, esp in a burger,or in a crossiant, with turkey or tomatoes , where the cheese has been grilled and has that fantastic texture to it hmmm, food
I love brie! Camembert is quite flavourless to me, good brie is nice and buttery!
Brie on a carrs water biscuit, yummy
For a wonderful taste sensation better than either, try Saga Bleu, it will blow you away!
I like brie on a sandwich (black bread) , but I like camembert baked , with cranberry sauce
I've never had camembert, but I can tell you that brie served warm with apricot preserves and french bread is pure heaven on Earth. Try it!
Brie is very mild and delicious and lends itself well to fruit preserves.