What types of dinners make for good fundraisers?!
Answers: For example, Mexican food for Cinco de Mayo or spaghetti.
This is not a dinner, but it makes a great fundrasier.
A decadent all chocolate dessert party around Valentine's Day
People love chocolate. Local restuarants, bakeries, chefs and amatuer cooks donate any dessert, candy, drinks, etc. as long as it's made of chocolate and people pay a set price or donation and get a plate to select whatever they want from each booth (have discounted prices for elderly and children, as well as a special set price for couples). We have something like this around my area and it raises alot for local charities. Just make sure you have good stuff, presented well...and lots of it.
You could also award a prize to the favorite dessert, Amatuer and Professional. Local businesses could donate the trophies/prizes.
Spaghetti dinners make for easier fundraisers
I like the steak night at the VFW
I like the chicken or white trout offering at the A.M.E. church on saturdays.
I like the Gumbo and the chili cook-offs we have here and the shrimp festival.
My favorite of all time is the barbeque at the fairgrounds!!!
Spaghetti usually draws good crowds.
If you're in the south, pork bbq and bbq chicken are delicious ways of makin' some money.
OR, have a pancake dinner and serve pancakes or breakfast foods! It's a hit usually! (blueberry, chocolate chip, and buttermilk are the best varieties to go with)
Spaghetti is a classic fundraiser dinner. It works, but I would do something different.
Um maybe enchiladas with rice and beans.
Meat loaf.
chicken fried steak
shepards pie
Pancake suppers are usually good fund raisers and cheap to make.
I've had a lot of success with the baked potato bar. I buy the big potatoes from Costco and bake them. I supply all the fixings, including cheese, chili, broccoli, bacon, sour cream and butter.
People have fun building their creations.