What and where are you drinking?!
Answers: I will be having a vodka & pineapple juice w/cherries, and will be drinking at my cousin's house tonight.
Coffee and I'm at the hizouse!
It's 9 AM, I'm at work with my daily cup of coffee.
Simply orange orange juice, in front of the computer.
I had an orange juice in front of the tv and computer in my house.
at home on here drinking coffee!
uhh im not drinking anything and its almost 11 pm
Diet Pepsi (9am) in front of the computer and TV at my house.
white wine at home it's 11pm here
herbal tea at home, vermouth at the restaurant, berr in a pizza place.
Chocolate weight loss shake at work - it's 9am...
Coffee...at work :-(
Diet Coke "Zero" in front of the computer.
I am drinking good old WATER at work~