What Kind of chocolate is better for you?!
Someone told me plain is better
Answers: White, Milk, Plain and why
Someone told me plain is better
Dark chocolate is better for you because it is full of antioxidents, which keep your blood clean, and it's good for your heart. Also it has much less fat and sugar. But who cares it all tastes great!
dark is better for you..the higher the cocoa contests the better..the milk and white has more sugars and fats...
I heard dark choc is good! Something about dioxidents! nwyz i LUV dark choc especially with mint! *After Eights* yuum! =P
it all depends on the coco mass
Who cares its chocolate.....live a little!!
dark chocolate is better for your heart
the 70% cocoa one..
not the usual stuff.. thats not good for you in the sense of it's more fatty =/
although its more expensive. it's better for ya..
Plain because it contains more cocoa and less sugar. Personally I prefer milk though n if your gona eat chocolate you may aswel have what you want :)
dark is the best,i think it has antioxidants or something
the darker the better for you it is
dark is better because it has cacao in it, which is good for the heart. the more cacao, the better because it is full of antioxidants. my dad has heart diease and his doctor tells him to eat the dark chocolate, but only if it has a little amount of sugar and lots of cacao in it. dont get herseys and other sugary kinds, natural is best. they sell is at natural stores, like deans and whole foods.
Actually Dark chocolate is healthier.
Dark chocolate
Plain is best less calories"""""""""""""""""""""""
white and milk they just taste better
Any chocolate is good for lifting the mood and can be most satisfying and wicked when one is alone
DARK and i dont know why my doctor told me!!
hi, nun is best 4 me so i dont get fat x