When is the best time to eat an "Apple?"?!
Answers: I heard adults saying you shoulden't eat apples at night why?
Never head of the night thing but I heard that if you're in a hurry and didn't have time to brush your teeth, simply eat an apple :)
Then by then time you finish, your teeth will be clean! :D
Don't get me wrong, dont replace apples for tooth brushes lol, but i dunno...is there a specific time to eat an apple? I doubt it, its simply fruit.
It'll be an apple whether you eat it morning, day, or night lol
one apple a day keeps the doctor away
Never heard the "night" thing before, but MY best time to eat an apple is when I have a jar of peanut butter to dip slices of the apple in.
Probably because apples are a natural laxative. If you eat one at night then you should be good to "go" by morning.
ive heard that an apple is sort of like a cup of coffee, except for the part about jumping off the walls. and apple is best in the morning because it wakes you up better. did you know that an apple in the morning is better than a doudle late?
the best time to eat an apple...
is when you're hungry =)
never heard this, but i know if you have heartburn, if you eat an apple it will cure the heart burn becuz it neutralizes that acid is your tummy
eat it whenever you want. There is no such thing as the best time to eat an apple.
when you are hungry, can't see why not eat at night
I'd eat one for lunch.
With a sandwich...
Eat one everyday.
They are really good for you.
Cause its thick and it will sit in your body,
over night.
An apple is supposed to be 'gold' in the morning, 'silver' in the afternoon, and 'lead' at night, meaning it is harder to digest. Any fibre filled food is not advisable close to bed-time.
When your hungry or craving one.
the best time is right after you are finished smoking from it ahaha! well idk, i'm sure you can enjoy an apple or two any time of the day or night without any horrible consequences.. i have eaten an apple at random times of the day in my lifetime, and i'm doing allright=] xoxox