Do you like oysters?!
i dont see what the expense and fuss is all about though
Answers: i tried some its a bit slimy but ok
i dont see what the expense and fuss is all about though
i dont mind oysters kill patrick they are really yummy but i would only maybe eat them once or twice a year.
Yes with hot sauce they taste amazing.
They disagree with me.
I wouldn't even put one in my mouth. I have heard they taste like snot. lol
I have never treid one because I was told, by someone that has tried one, that it's like swallowing someone else's snot. Didn't much fancy it after that.
only smoked from a can
Absolutely not! The one and only time I tried one, it made me gag... Slimey, salty little beggers!
eeeewwww no! It's like having a big cold loogy in your mouth.....disgusting!
Yes. Especially brinny ones. They taste wonderful.
love them BBQ'd with french bread and butter garlic sauce.
Very nice when they are very very cold, served on ice with the right sauce.
yes since i live on the cheasapeake, we love our oysters, i like mine steamed and fried.
My grandfather would get a bucket and schuck em raw and drink his naty boh beer with it lol
They're good. The best I ever had were in Vancouver, fresh off the boat. They taste like the ocean which sounds gross but isn't to me. Salty, briny and unique. I would never eat them if I weren't right next to the ocean, though. Too many chances to get sick from them.
I've only ever had one fried and it was ok but I don't think I could eat a raw one.
Yes, straight fom the shell though & no hanging about! Touch of lemon juice or even less Tabasco is good. Too expensive though.
Odd that a couple of hundred years ago they were the food of the poor. Or so I'm told. I can't quite remember....
Hell yea! straight out of the shell on a saltine cracker
covered in Tabasco, with a ice cold beer.
I've never tried them but I'd like to because I'm very curious as to what they taste like. I think they do look a bit slimy though so I probably wouldn't like them that much! It's probably all a fuss over nothing !
Nope,oysters make me vomit,especially the smell of them eww! :-(
Not raw straight from the shell, it's like drinking snot out of an ashtray.
But fried with bacon lardons well now you are talking. You have to try them at least once.
Every Christmas Eve my mom makes oyster chowder. Them's good eatin'. :)