Yogurt gone bad?!
Answers: I have a large container of yogurt in my fridge with a date of nov 12 2007. I didn't notice this earlier today(about 4-5 hours ago) when I ate some of it. Now I'm having serious abdominla pains and bad gas. So I'm wondering is nov 12th more likely to be an experation date or a sell by date and how long is yogurt good past its sell by date? I'm tossing the yogurt and am now thinking OOPS! I thought my abdominla pain was from some medication I am on(still a possibility) but now I suspect I might have accidentally given myself food poisoning. Should I worry? the yogurt smells and tasted just fine
With yogurt i've learned the date on it is when stores can no longer sell it pass. Generally if it is five days or less pass this day i will still eat it. However i have made the same boo boo you did and took some pepto bismal and it got better. Take some gas reliever and i think you should be ok, however i am not a doctor so please trust your gut instinct.
Yogurt doesn't spoil too fast. You would have noticed if it was bad becase it has a sour smell.
(Also little green things with feet grow on the surface if you forget to throw it out - very noticable )
Never eat expired food.
For one thing i know is that usually dairy products exepire fast .So I'm not so sure if you should worry.