Who/what/where do I report a schools unsanitory cafeteria conditions and practices?!
Answers: old food(pizza,burgers,eggs, hot dogs,sausage)...old milk ...everything is stale...no glove use...no hair nets.....the people who serv the food look like they could careless about it..and who knows what goes on in the back ...they start shuting the place down 45 min before they close and they still charge people full price when some food stands arent even available... They only provide good food when they are about to be evaluated(which they are told ahead of time)...This is shameful and its the only place to eat on our campus with a meal plan.This is a UNIVERSITY
Since it's a University, either local Health Dept., or whatever is the functioning body overseeing that University- State, County, Private/Religious concern- If they're only cleaning up their act when evaluated, someone's in on it. OR...try a local news team that investigates stuff, and has access to records and can document stuff. They can be very good or very bad at what they do.
I would go to the principal and if they don't do anything go to the school board
local health department
to your countys area school board...have details of complaint,pictures would be great...keep copy of all written complaints...get names of everyone you speak to for later reference......
Heath Dept.
If the conditions in the cafeteria are a public safety issue, such as that there is risk of disease, you could probably report the cafeteria to the Health Department. Most states and cities require dining facilities to be licensed. Try looking in the Yellow Pages under your city or state's name for the department of public health.
you can report it to the schools administration or if it is really bad the health department can shut it down