Does anyone remember the sweets called IMP'S and did you like them lol?!
Answers: I can taste them now.Was all-ways getting wrong,because they made my teeth black. Don,t have that problem now,Cos Imps have gone and so have teeth! (was i a sucker ? )
Were they the tiny little liquorish sweets ......I used to like them, but not sure I would now.
yes i do the tiny little black sweets
in a tiny tin i did like them.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Little liquorice diamond shaped. Very hot. Don't see them now, but I do remember them. Also Victory 'V's.
Oh my god i do remember them.No they were horrible, tiny little black colour things that tasted awful.
Yummy! They still sell them at my local chemist. I think you may be able to get them in Holland & Barrett as well!
Never really liked liquorice - only picked the round ones with a candy outer or tubes with candy inners from Allsorts to eat the candy and throw away the liquorice.
Tried imps but not impressed. From the chemist (during the war) we used to buy liquorice root which I preferred,because you didn't need a ration book for that.
i did`nt like em
Yummy!!! small blackish Little sweets that taste like menthol liquorish!!
Yes I do , and no - I hated them.
My sister used to force feed me with them for a joke when I was little.
(Along with anti nail biting liquid etc!)
I hated Imps then,and still hate them now,my boss used to eat them all of the time and I hated the smell of them too.They are still sold in my local newsagents.
Yes i remember them,Nice and hot.