Can i eat Tesco Finest chunky chips today if best before date is 1st December?!
Other companies do it as well. For example Beefeater insist that all steaks that their chefs cook are used within 2 days of opening the pack. ie if a pack of steaks is opened on a monday then their contents should be used by end-of-service Tuesday. However the environmental health states that there is a 3 day allowance on all packs of steaks.
What should be born in mind though is that people at each end of the age-spectrum (ie young children and the elderly) are more susceptible to bacteria in foodstuffs. If you feel there is any doubt as to the consumability of a particlualr product then it's better to err on the side of caution and discard the product.
There's usually a contact address on the packet of any item to use if there are any queries about it's contents so if you feel that a product you have purchased is not suitable for consumption in any way then follow the directions and contact the specified people.
Answers: It's a best before date, so has already been stated it's just a legal safety-net.
Other companies do it as well. For example Beefeater insist that all steaks that their chefs cook are used within 2 days of opening the pack. ie if a pack of steaks is opened on a monday then their contents should be used by end-of-service Tuesday. However the environmental health states that there is a 3 day allowance on all packs of steaks.
What should be born in mind though is that people at each end of the age-spectrum (ie young children and the elderly) are more susceptible to bacteria in foodstuffs. If you feel there is any doubt as to the consumability of a particlualr product then it's better to err on the side of caution and discard the product.
There's usually a contact address on the packet of any item to use if there are any queries about it's contents so if you feel that a product you have purchased is not suitable for consumption in any way then follow the directions and contact the specified people.
Go ahead, it won't kill you.
I'd say yes.
The date on the pack is only a "best before" date, not a "use by" date.
Basically, it's telling you that if they don't taste right, then you've not no come-back against Tesco as they're 3 days past the optimum date.
they will taste rank
but anything from tesco has a head start in that department anyway
Frozen I presume? A day here or there is nowt, crack on mate.
if they were frozen it should be fine
No they will self destruct like the tapes in mission impossible!Cunning people these tesco lot!
best before is a safety guideline not so much for you but a legal safety net for the producer, if it was 1st dec 01 then yeah might be bad
Best by dates are similar to the "Caution: Hot" warning on McDonald's coffee. They are there to prevent lawsuits and complaints against companies. Most best by dates are overly cautious compared to the actual date the item should go bad.
Most things are fine after the best before date they only put it on for stock rotation if it looks fine and smells fine eat as much as you want
Best before dates, mean exactly that. They will taste the best before the date on the product.
That does not mean that on the date marked they turn bad!
yer as long as they have been in the fridge the use by date or eat before date is only an advisory its basically to keep with the trading standards guide lines they have to put a date on it your chips are already cooked all your doing is heating them up if its uncooked food then dont go past the dates as bacteria sets in but tesco chips are fine top cheffs say ifit smells ok then its safe they never go by dates enjoy them but not to much salt please
Yes. But perhaps you might like to change to McCain Home Fries Chunky chips next time I find them nicer....
Oh and I fed my family a beautiful leg of lamb on Sunday and then found the mint sauce dated 2005.....oh well I'm still typing so go ahead with your chips
They will be fine, it just means that they will be best before that date. They may not be as tasty as they would have been a few days ago.
The date will be fine - go ahead - careful on the salt though.
Course you can.Frozen food doesn't just go bad overnight because of a best before date! The date is just there to let you know they taste their best before that date. They will still be ok for a long while yet
Yes the best before date is a guide. all its saying is that the item will taste best before this date. If it says use by it means it won't be any good after this date.
But to be honest you can normally tell if something is off so I just trust my instinct.