How are ice cream bars made?!
Answers: like the ben & jerry or the dove bars. how do they get the ice cream filling in the bar. i mean they are probably made in a factory, but how do they get the ice cream INTO the outside bar (usually made of chocolate). the bar is hollow, and covers the entire bar? so do they make a hole or something? how is it done?!
no they freka icecream on a stick (first they make the ice crema of course) and they put it through a thing that pours chocolate over the ice cream and they freeze it again and thats hwo they make it . watch unwrapped on food network channel it's a cool show they shwo u how thye make these candys and chocolate that are legions like ''hershey'' jelly belly and much mroe it's awesome nice question! good night!
idk but they taste good
you get a block of ice cream and the other stuff and bam
they get ice cream and freeze it in a cup or something to make the shape and then they pour choclate over it. YUM!
uhh, they dip it! DUR!
They make the ice cream first then dip it in chocolate.
the ice cream is dipped into melted chocolate
The coat it with cocolate. It can be a liquid....
They make the chocolate shape and pour the chocolate in, and then they mix up the ice cream and put it inside the chocolate covering, then freeze it, etc etc..
check around on food network's website...they have all kinds of shows that tell you how this kinda stuff is made.
Try this maybe they have a recipe to tell you how to do that.
are you kidding me??? LOL
No they don't make a hole, they have the ice cream on the stick then they get dipped in the chocolate
Good Question. There's a show on the Discovery Channel called "How it's made", or something like that. You should ask their site.. they are always looking for people's ideas to do on the show
If I am understanding the question I think that the ice cream is shaped into a bar then they run under a fountain of chocolate which coats the bar then they are frozen.
They Cut a hole, fill it, then they fill the rest of the hole with chocolate.
They use a small tube to insert the ice cream
then they freeze, and package, and are ready for shipping!
Hope I helped you out, and thoroughly answered your question.
With juices duh dummy they just freeze em.