Where can I buy inexpensive dry yeast in bulk (1-2 pound)?!
Answers: I live in Massachusetts. I need to make a lot of bread and other bakings. Buying small packets or jars (4oz) is expensive. I am looking for less expensive dry yeast to buy from a store or online. Thank you!
Sam's Club has instant yeast in bulk (Fleishman's in 2 one-pound vaccum sealed blocks). I bought some last year and I haven't even gotten through the first pound. If you live in MA, you may not have access to Sam's club, but you probably have BJ's or Costco. Check with them. It's under $5 for the two pounds at my Sam's Club.
try the local bakery
Try Sam's Club or BJ's. If you don't have a membership with any store like that, find a friend who does.
I like the local bakery. In my community there is a restaurant supply store. they have a 1 pounder for about 5 bucks
Sams Club has a commercial package - 2 foil packs - each equal to about 2 jars so about 4 jars total for less than $5.00. I'm sure some of the other warehouse clubs do too. Try Cosco, GFS Marketplace, etc to see if they have it in stock.