Is organic cream healthy, unhealthy, or neutral? It's in my organic ice cream! ?!

Question: I know that there are certain kinds of fats that are not healthy for you, and ones that are (like Omega 3's and Omega 6's, for example).

What about cream? Not body cream or anything, but the kind you eat. The dairy kind... it's in my Breyer's Organic Vanilla Bean ice cream. =D
I don't eat it very much, but it's truly the healthiest ice cream I have seen/eaten in my life! There is nothing that I know to be toxic in it, containing a mere 5 ingredients.
Seriously, what's so unhealthy about it? Is it the Organic Cream in it? (Is that the same kind of cream in whole milk... versus skim milk, which lacks that?)

Thank you! I hope you understand my question. :-)

-Chloe W.

Answers: I know that there are certain kinds of fats that are not healthy for you, and ones that are (like Omega 3's and Omega 6's, for example).

What about cream? Not body cream or anything, but the kind you eat. The dairy kind... it's in my Breyer's Organic Vanilla Bean ice cream. =D
I don't eat it very much, but it's truly the healthiest ice cream I have seen/eaten in my life! There is nothing that I know to be toxic in it, containing a mere 5 ingredients.
Seriously, what's so unhealthy about it? Is it the Organic Cream in it? (Is that the same kind of cream in whole milk... versus skim milk, which lacks that?)

Thank you! I hope you understand my question. :-)

-Chloe W.

First off, organic cream, or any cream for that matter, is the fattiest--heavy cream can include as much as 36-40% milkfat! Whole milk, if I remember correctly from Intro to Food Science class, has about 6-8%, whereas skim milk has about 1/2% or less. Remember, there are fat soluble vitamins like A, D & E.
Second off:
Healthy is a very ambiguous term!
Nutrition is not so simple...
Conjugated linoleic acid--a trans fat that is essential and good for you...
Stearate is a saturated fatty acid with some health benefits over some poly-unsaturated fatty acids...
You need both n-3 and n-6 fatty acids, just in a proper ratio, for example an excess of soybean oil is high in n-6 and can mess up this balance...
Toxins? Vitamin A can be toxic in high amounts. There is enough Vitamin A in polar bear liver to kill a man.
Anyway, I am not here to confuse you. "Healthy" is a relative term, it depends upon what your goals are. If you are trying to lose weight, or if you have a diet high in saturated fat and/or sugars, then perhaps something with cream and sugar is not so "healthy". Do you have steatosis, DM-II or dyslipidemia? Once again, not "healthy". Do you have high triglycerides? Then your body is making the saturated fat from the sugar you eat, once again not "healthy". Are you normal weight and good on your blood lipids, etc.? Enjoy a serving of ice cream. Why get so uptight? Chloe, you sound like a very health conscious person, so I would say indulge on occasion. We recommend a certain allowance of saturated fat in a diet--25-30% of your total calories should be fats, and saturated fats should make up no more than one third of them. But if you are watching what you eat, you probably fall right in here.

Enjoy your ice cream!

Not much better for you than non-organic cream. Just no hormones in the cows. It will still make you fat if you eat too much.

Cream, even organic cream, contains saturated fat and cholesterol. These are unhealthy fats - the good fats are unsaturated. That being said a little bit of the bad fats in ice cream don't hurt that much; just don't eat the whole container.

The only fat to avoid entirely is trans-fat.

Also any fat taken into a human body leads that body to produce cholesterol.

Organic only has to do with the way something is grown or raised (no chemical pesticides or chemical fertilizers, added hormone or antibiotics, etc.). It has nothing to with calorie content. While your organic ice cream might be healthier for you it still has the same caloric value as it's "regular" counterpart.

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