Do you like maple syrup on your pancakes.?!
Answers: I also like sugar and a squeeze of lemon.
Are you propositioning me? pancakes for breakfast? Just lemon juice and a sprinkling of sugar for me please, I like to wake up about seven. I must say I'm more flattered than a pancake.
me too!
Absolutely, Real Vermont Maple syrup!
ooh yum!
i havent put lemon on mines b4 tho, ill try it =]
I love maple syrup. It is excellent. If you compare it with corn syrup, the maple syrup tastes delicious! You should try the medium type, it tastes the best.
Hope this helps!
Not me. I had it once as a kid and still hate it to this day. I like jelly, jam, or fruit syrup. And no butter.
nutella on pancakes is lovely
Yes,please! <*-*>
This might sound kind of different but I really like to put peanutbutter on my pancakes and then drizzle them with maple syrup. It sounds funny but it is delicious!
I like mine naked except for some butter.
Mmm! Maple syrup is divine - the real stuff though, from Canada. I also like Nutella.
Yes I love it!
oh yes! sugar and lots of lemon too.
Just syrup & butter for me.:)
Absolutely, the only way to go! PURE, CANADIAN maple syrup!
I like cherry's or sugar and lemon.
No syrup for me.
I'm Canadian and have never had anything except maple syrup on my pancakes.Sugar and a squeeze of lemon sounds good.I'll have to try it on my blueberry pancakes. Thanks
I prefer boysenberry syrup
I love maple syrup on pancakes its the best even better than lemon and sugar. so sweet, so cloy so yummy.
Oh yeah,I love maple syrup on my pancakes and lots of butter too! ;-)
hot pancakes w/ butter and maple syrup ummm, real good