How long are lemons good for?!
Answers: I bought lemons a month or so ago... I just wondered how long they are good for, and what they can do to you if you eat them once they're bad!!!
Lemons are fine until they are visibly NOT FINE. You should be able to tell easliy by looking; throw out anything brown, shrivelled, or moldy. Lemons to have quite a long shelf life.
5 minutes
i don't think lemons spoil
well if you put them in your crouch, they stay fresh for days
Well, they probably last about as long as oranges or grapefruit, which last about a few months, or so, i would say. they probably would make you feel sick inside if you ate spoiled ones, but they couldn't make you so sick that you would have to go to the hospital or anything. Probably just sick enough to make you throw up, maybe stay at home from work/school for a day.
If they are green, fuzzy, and misshapen, I would leave them alone.
they shrivel when they're too old to use. and you'll be able to see if they're edible. so you wouldn't be tempted to eat them then.
(for slightly aged lemons, or other citric fruits, soak for a while in warm water and they will plump up again.)
Lemons will eventually go bad and you will know by any discoloration. Once that happens, they are good for throwing at politicians.
Lemons and lime are quite curious things, I use them alot-they have all sorts of uses; from cleaning your face, use in washing up, body scrub ingredient and much more.
But the longer you leave them and the larder the skin gets the more juicy they become and get sweeter.
I'd say mine last for about 2 weeks. I keep them in a wire basket in the fridge. Toss them when you see white, green, brown, or the rind turns deep yellow and they shrivel. Nothing's going to really happen to you if you have an old one, except throw up just from the taste. You can definitely smell an old lemon when you cut into it. It's not a fresh lemon smell.
You will spit them out if they are bad. If they are soft and mushy they could still be good. When mold appears you can be reasonably sure the fruit is bad. In what manner do you eat them. Baked goods, tea, candied, raw?