Can someone answer this question asap-i am hungry?!
Answers: i have this iced bun and on the pack it says best before/use by 5th and its the 6th of dec it ok to eat it still?
I would follow your expiration date!! defiantly
yeah go for it, it'll be fine
yeah they put it so idiots who dont abide by rules still have time. lol go ahead.
yeah its fine
of course it is best before means what it says 'best before' !!!
Go ahead and eat it before you pass out from starvation.
definatly... you have like a 5 day grace period after that date, i wouldnt eat it any day after the 11th tho! your not gonna die, it might not taste as fresh! but it will be ok!
If it's been kept in cool or refrigerated area, I would def eat it.
Totally fine. That **** will last until Dec 5 2010
It will be fine. enjoy!
uhh yeah the expiration date is just so the stores get it out of there by that date...its ok to eat a few days after..
yes its still ok to eat it will be fine untill the 8th
yeah go for it
Its fine. I take "best before" to also mean "ok just after".
Probably. I always reckon the food manufacturers give themselves a day or so anyway as leeway. And its an iced bun, so its not like it should have anything really terrible for you in it (ie like eating meat or something past its sell-by date). Eat it!
yeah, it will be fine
Yes...governments stipulate sell by/use by dates but they are only to cover their backs.If it looks ok then go for it.
Yes - it will be fine - eat it and enjoy it.
just eat it, they always have some give
Aslong as it hasn't been opened then yeh should be okay to eat.!!
The date on the package is the last date it should be sold in the store. It is good a week beyond that date for consumption.
don't do it..put it in the rubbish bin...your body is more important...get something nutricious
I normally eat them after the "best before date", but it's not really good as they would have gone past their freshness or "eat-by date".
So the best thing is to dispose them as you may have stomach upset, or any of the common side effects.
The choice is vested upon you!
good for a week after that date- they just put it there for liability!
Yes, it should be fine!
To be honest, and iced bun wouldn't be really OK to eat even before the "use by" date. They're loaded with sugar and fat. I'd worry more about that, than about it being a tad stale.
Yeah it will be fine but let us know if you die from eating just so that we don't make the same mistake!
Well, it's the 6th today so you'd better get it down you before tomorrow!!!
Mmm...I love iced buns.
If you feel that way then don't eat it.
Did you really have to ask us though.
it will be fine goin eat it
Yeeeesssssss. Eat it.