Do you eat pecans ?!
can't help but think, that eating pecans, have helped
me get rid of my cold. And fast, too. Plus it has
brought my mood to a very calm feeling. Like a strange
case of euphoria. They say that eating nuts and stuff,
is extremely great for the human body. Especially if it
is picked fresh, from the garden, or tree. What are the
health benefits of eating pecans, do you know ?
And do you eat pecans ? Best answer wins. ~~~
Answers: I had some fresh ones, straight from the tree itself. I
can't help but think, that eating pecans, have helped
me get rid of my cold. And fast, too. Plus it has
brought my mood to a very calm feeling. Like a strange
case of euphoria. They say that eating nuts and stuff,
is extremely great for the human body. Especially if it
is picked fresh, from the garden, or tree. What are the
health benefits of eating pecans, do you know ?
And do you eat pecans ? Best answer wins. ~~~
I love pecans, but don't eat them often. I think for snack I might have raw almonds more often. Trader Joe's sells a bag of individually wrapped serving size packets, so I get that. Here's some info about pecans (from the internet)
"Pecans are particularly good for you because they contain more antioxidants than any other nut, according to a recent report published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. Antioxidants are substances found in foods that protect against cell damage and, studies have shown, can help fight diseases like heart disease, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and cancer.
Just a handful of pecans contains vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc and fiber, as well as antioxidants. And because pecans are so rich in heart- healthy fat, it doesn't take too many to feel full. In fact, studies have shown that eating nuts has a beneficial effect on the waistline."
As someone else said... in moderation, but a daily serving of nuts, and pecans are a good choice) is a good thing. Pecans seem to be the most expensive though. I'll be making a few recipes of Christmas cookies using pecans.
Like everything really truly good for you... only in moderation. If you eat too much nuts it is fatty and starts to minimize the good things they do for your body. I have never had pecans off of a tree but that sounds fantastic. I have eaten hazelnuts right off the tree though and those are great that way. Yum, I love nuts!!
Pecans are a good source of protien and unsatuated fat. Can reduce high cholesterol by reducing the bad ldl cholesterol levels. And makes a helluva good pie!! :D
And picking up pecans and eating them is always better, because it is cheaper and fresh. You don't know how long the pecans in the store have been there.