What do you like better? cookies (oreos) chips (hot cheetos) or drink (coke)?!
Answers: ok i just want to know, ppl please answer this question!!! you canonly choose one, cookies, chips, or drinks. so oreos, hot cheetos, or coke? ANSWER!!! lol
cheetooooos all the way :)
Hot cheetos
hot cheetos
can i have diet coke?
If not, oreos
hot cheetos
I would pick the coke. My favorite kind of pop and I never turn it down.
COKE! Of course.
I would have to go with coke.
I love oreos and coke is the best, and cheetoes and I'm hot does that count?lol
cookies; oreos. :]
FYI: most people dont know what coke is, they call it soda. weird isnt it??
coke if i had to but beer if there was the choice
Chocolate chip cookies only.
Any of them except the Oreos. I don't like the cream in the middle. As a kid I used to scrape all the cream out of the cookies and just eat the chocolate cookie part. My mother stopped buying Oreos for me when she found out that's what I was doing.