What would cause my tap water to look like this?!
Answers: My tap water has a kind of yellowish/ pinkish color.... what would cause this??
Sometimes things get into the pipe lines which temporarily taint the water. How long has it been like this? Let the water run for a bit and see if it clears.
somethin inside ur water do not drink
You have rust in the water. Let you faucet run for a few minutes. It could be a utility problem. If this doesn't help, call the water company.
Rust in the pipes. Call a plumber, you are probably losing water and paying for it anyway.
A yellowish color could be sulphur.......I wouldn't drink it if I were you...boil it first!
I'm not sure but like what everyone else said there maybe something in the line/pipe. try to let your water run for 5 mins or less just keel an eye on it.call up or go see a neighbor and ask them if their water is the same way and if so i would call the city people. or drain man.
dirty pipes maybe? my tap water did that just after they thawed out from being frozen
Scientists have found that potassium permanganate, a chemical used to combat fish disease will cause water to turn a pinkish color. I would contact your city water company and boil any water you drink or cook with until you get an answer
problems with the pipes