Hotdog question?!
Answers: Do you boil or microwave your hotdog?
Microwave, normally.
BOIL!!!! It is so much better and there is no grease unlike the microwave.
Grill them
I always grill mine, but if I can't for some reason (too cold, raining, grill out of propane) then i will cook them in the toaster oven.
Boiling and microwaving both leave the hot dogs tasting wet and bland.
MICROWAV3 AND BOIL . . . . . !
boil, microwaves ruin most foods i think
boil<they taste great!
I BBQ them or use the toaster oven!!
I used to boil, microwave is easier. I don’t like to clean pots. A dirty dish can easily be placed in the dishwasher. Best is grilled of course!
Steam and then pan fry. makes the casing brown and it pops when you bite into them while the inside isn't dried out like when nuking them.
It's easy. Get a pan really hot and toss on your dogs. Add a couple TBSP of water and put a lid on. the water will steam the dickens out of them and the evaporate leaving the pan hot to brown the dogs.
The real question lays in the fact.....Mustard? or Ketchup? :)
Only use Hebrew National, grill, crispy!!!
I grill my hotdog on my carnival inside hotdog grill that my auntie got me for my birthday. The grill rotates and on the top is a place you can put your hotdog buns to warm them. It is soooooooooooo cute.
My friend fries hers in oil- it totally grosses me out-
my 1st choice is grilled, but boil is 2nd- microwave only if im absolutely starving! haha