Turkey Cooking Time interrupted! Is it safe to eat?!
Answers: I have a turkey in the oven. After 4 hours I checked the internal temperature and it was about halfway done. Then I went down stairs to watch TV. My brother in law was leaving for school and he thought someone left the oven on, didn't look in it, just turned it off and left. I called his cell and found out the oven was off for half an hour. I turned it back on to 325, but I'm wondering if it will be safe to eat????????
As long as the core temp of the meat is at least 160degrees f you will have no problems. I personally make sure that it is at 180 degrees for safety. (Make the meat a little dryer.)
yes its fine as long as you cooked it for the full time when you restarted the oven!
Yes as long as you cook it to 165 degrees.
Oh sure, it's safe. Feed the in-laws first.
No, I am sorry. It was not cooked for it's full time to be fully cooked. It is like browning a piece of a chicken breast and then eating it, with much of it still raw. Leave it in the oven for the extra 1/2 an hour and explain to your guests if they question it.
As long as it is cooked right through - no pink bits, it should be fine. It's usually after 4-5 hours of meat being left unattended that it starts to become unhealthy for you.
Check that it is cooked all the way through. If not cook more until it is of course! Serve immediately or allow to cool then put in the fridge until you are ready to reheat and serve.
I doubt that short of a period of time will affect it. The internal temperature most likely didn't drop much at all. So where's dinner and when??? :+)
i dont think so but y r u makin turkey and thanksgiving is gone?
just playing