Has anyone had an Expresso Frappuccino Light at Starbucks?!
Thought I'd give myself a little treat from Starbucks. Haha
Answers: I haven't had a frappuccino in a long *** time because of the calorie content, but I was wondering if anyone has tried the Expresso Frappuccino Light Blende Coffee? A tall size is only 100 calories with 12g sugar. Is it any good?
Thought I'd give myself a little treat from Starbucks. Haha
It's my favorite. Enjoy!
Essssspresso essssssssss Espresso.
I've tasted some of someone else's and because of the stronger coffee taste it seems to taste the same as the regular.
no but you are making me want to go and try it my damn self, lol.
I have tried the light Mocha frap and it tastes just as good as the regular. I say go for it...