What is the difference between a Pickle and a Cucumber?!
Answers: Im curious.
The fresh vegetable as you use in salads is a cucumber & the method of preserving it is pickling,cumbers are immersed in vinegar to which salt & other spices may be added ,to improve the taste.Many types of vegetables are preserved by pickiling & a variety of methods & recipes exist also ethnic varitions of pickles are numerous.
pickles are cucumbers soaked in a vinergar/salt solution, which pickles and preserves them.
Pickles are preserved. Cucumbers are fresh.
a pickle is a cucumber
pickles are pickled cucumbers
Pickles and cucumber are the same.Cucumber is in vinegar and is soaked with different seasons to make them pickles.Good question.
Pickles are cucumbers that are soaked in vinegar so they are more sour than cucumbers.
A pickle used to be a cucumber, but then it is pickled. I hope that helps ;)
Pickles are sour
A pickle is a baby cucumber that is pickeled, and cucumbers are fully growen and fresh