Answers: How do you get onion smell off of your hands? Everytime i chop up an onion my hands smell like onion for two or three weeks. What can i do to make the smell go away?
if the juice is wet wash your hands in lemon juice if it has dried then use salt and water and scrub. they're old restaurant tricks.
Rub your hands on the inside of a clean steel pot. I saw on a cooking show a while ago that it works. I've never tried it though! I hope it works.
Use latex gloves when you cut onions. But to get out the smell, idk, lots of hand washing and scented lotions.
hand sanitzer, lotion...
Lemon juice
vinegar or tomatoe juice.
yeah, just dip your hands in lemon juice a few times a day until the smell goes away.
You can actually buy stainless steel gadgets that you run over your hands to remove odors, but you can just as easily use a spoon, or your faucet. Wet your hands and rub them with the bowl of a serving spoon (yes, stainless steel...not your bamboo spoon) or rub them over the faucet as you wash.