Which food has more types of it, Italian or ribs?!
Answers: Like how pasta has ravioli and ribs has spicy or sticky.
italian has alot more different foods, ribs are ribs lol.
italion has a whole lot more
How many types of ribs can there possibly be? Italian!!!
Italian, of course :)
italian, wtf
Italian has much more variety.
Italian...Ribs - One type of southern cooking. Italian cooking encompasses much more than ravioli.
Chef Boyardee is not Italian food.
for sure, Italian.
Foolish question... a country vs a part of a pig. Think about it.
I don't understand the question (or maybe I do).
You're comparing the foods of a country against a cut of beef or pork (ribs). Well........Italians ALSO make ribs, so I guess Italian wins.
Even taking into account broken ribs, I think there are still way more types of pasta than traditional ribs dishes. However, if you take into account all the animals that have ribs (albeit not all are common menu items), ribs definitely takes the cake. Have some opossum ribs or badger ribs or walrus ribs (if you're really hungry), and put all those ribs nay-sayers in their place. Ribs wins!!! Ribs wins!!!
"sticky?" LMAO
Anyway, you can't really compare Italian and Ribs because Italian covers an entire country, whereas ribs only refers to a single dish (no matter how you make it, it's still just ribs).
But, just to humor you, I searched "ribs" and "Italian" on www.food.com and these were the results:
Ribs: 1,153 recipe listings.
Italian: 4,913 recipe listings.