How can I get the "tomato-y" smell out of a glass canning jar?!
Answers: I have a glass jar that had tomato juice in it and even after washing it, still smells like tomoto juice! Any suggestions to get rid of the smell? My daughter needs the jar to make rock candy in and tomato just doesn't seem like a great flavor!
Boil in water with 1/4 -1/2 cup white vinegar or 1/2 cup baking soda!
Did you try lemon juice?
Put vanilla essence2-3 tsp and add water until full up, soak for 3-4 days rinse and smell will be gone. Works for new drinker bottle smell too and a host of others!
skunk juice... oh wait- that's the other way around!
Put 2 table spoons of Baking soda and hot water to half of the jar. Let it stay for at least 4 to 6 hours. Wash it normally as you do or put it in the dishwater. After that, do not cover, let it air dry. Keep the jar uncovered for 2 days. The jar will never smell like tomato-y.
If you still smell it, repeat the same process again. But i am sure for the first time it will do the trick.
Run it through the dishwasher. That has gotten rid of the smelliest things for me - even stuff like tomato sauce with tons of garlic!
Clorox and very hot water.You can even add Dawn dish washing liquid odor eraser to the water!