Popsicle Poll!?!
Answers: Which Popsicle do you like better? Red (Cherry), Orange (name explains its self), or purple (Grape)?
they are all pretty darn yummy, so I buy a box and eat them all, before my kids do.
Cherry YUM
red, red, red!
GRAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPE!!! i love grape (can you tell)
Cherry tastes so good :)
Can't decide. . . . . . . Purple or Red. . . . . . Just give me both. . . . .
Grape gives off more flavor of its color than the rest:)
Red (Cherry)...I always like the red or pink sweet treats.
Grape, orange, cherry, in that order.
Id have to say lemonade as where we are ( NZ) they dont sell any other flavours but raspberry/cola and lemonade. I miss all the old flavours orange,lime,tuti fruti, cola etc. Havent seen them around for years.
My very favorite is Orange!
I hate purple flavored stuff! lol but I do...
so I'd have to say orange or red...
but sometimes red tastes like cough medicine, which isn't to well tasting!!! but yeah, red or orange :]
all really