Why is gypsy ham, called gypsy ham??!
Answers: Where is the gypsy part from?
I always assumed it was called a gypsy ham because it is a smaller portion and therefore is more suitable to people who travel all over the place, like gypsies. Nobody wants to eat ham that has been left in the back of a caravan for a week because it was too large a portion!
I know for a fact that gypsy ham is called gypsy ham because it is the meat from the testesachul of the gypsy. Trust me i'm a professional gypsy hunter, I know my stuff.
Its called Gypsy ham because its made out of gypsies. Gypsies are creatures that can be easily beaten and cooked. They are very rich in proteins and carbohydrates. My Grandfather used to own a gypsy farm. He bred them and when their babies hatched he captured them and cooked them. He didn't make ham though he was making Gypsy oil, Gypsy tears, Gypsy toothbrushes and some Gypsy soap.