What happened to the blue smarties?!
Answers: they arent in the tubes anymore they have red ones thanks
Sorry Shell, I ate them all yum yum.
limited edition im afraid
Blame ADHD
they've stopped using artifical colours because of the whole E120 thing (cochineal was used to colour the red smarties but everyone find out that cochineal is crushed insects- vegetarians went mad lol)
but they couldnt find a natural colouring for blue so they got rid of it
perhaps they didn,t prove to be very popular.Must admit I found them a bit offputting.
Limited addition.
I think they're hanging out with the brown M&M's somewhere...
Got taken out because there isnt a natural colouring for that blue.
Notice the "No artificial colourings" label.
Rowntree is to stop producing the Blue version of the smarties because it is removing all artificial colours from the casings and there is no natural alternative to the blue chemical currently used.
It will be replaced with a white Smartie, at least until a natural blue dye is found.
Smarties suddenly got "smarties" on us and when natural,What a shame because the blue ones were my favourite! Oh Well!
I think it was limited edition. If not that it was probably because of the food coloring or whatever.
Because they don't use artificial colours anymore.