How long can you keep a hamburger left out before you can eat it?!
Answers: eg, i bought this hamburger from hurger king. then i put it in the fridge, then i took it out 2 days later, and out it in my bag for lunch. i forgot to eat it, and it is now been out of the fridge for 8hrs. can it be eaten safely. had tomato, lettuce, may etc on it. I don't think so. To me even after one night in the fridge it starts to get crusty and even worse if it has lettuce, tomato and/or mayo. The tomato and lettuce will be all soggy and the mayo will have made the buns soggy. 8 hours plus the 2 days it was in the fridge is a long time to wait to eat fast food. I think you should let it go and go get a fresh burger.
no to long.
no throw it
Yeah,i'v done it'll be soggy after heating it,but yeah it's fine.
i buy all my food from hurger king, i put them in a bag, take em to work. when i'm ready to eat, i either put them out in the sun for 3 hours, or throw it on the back of a skidster, i have never gotten sick, although, once, i forget a whopper over the fourth of july weekend, the cheese was moldy, the lettuce was ********* up, so i just took my knife and scraped it all off, heated it up with a propane torch, added some muriatic acid, and voila!! lunch, i wil write later, i have to go to the bathroom now, !!!!