Survey: Do you refrigerate your KETCHUP, MUSTARD and...?!
I do not refrigerate ANY of these, but almost everyone I know does! (with exception to the p.b.)
ketchup & mustard have vinegar in them which is a natural preservative & I have always kept them in the pantry...
Answers: peanut butter?
I do not refrigerate ANY of these, but almost everyone I know does! (with exception to the p.b.)
ketchup & mustard have vinegar in them which is a natural preservative & I have always kept them in the pantry...
i have seen ketchup bubble up and go bad but your right.... i do refridge everything, i even keep my flour, sugar, pasta in the freezer but i live in florida and you have to worry about humidity, bugs, etc......
Yes, I refrigerate my ketchup and mustard cause they say on the bottle to refrigerate once open. Peanut butter - no...
Yes. I refridgerate both but we never did when I was a kid and my parents still don't. I just think it tastes better refridgerated!
I refrigerate ketchup and mustard but not PB unless it is organic and has no preservatives.
I put ketchup and mustard in the fridge, not peanut butter.
Uh, I'd rather put it in the fridge then let it go bad and just because you hate cold ketchup and mustard doesn't mean others do. I prefer mine cold.
I have always refrigerated the items.
I don't refrigerate any of the above. I keep them in the pantry also. We use them up so fast. They have never gone bad. Ever. Have yours?
I don't refrigerate peanut butter, mustard, ketchup, soy sauce,none of those things. Also not olive oil. I keep them in a cool, dark place. I know people do, but that stuff never goes bad and has never gone bad on me.
once opened i put the mustard and ketchup in the fridge
i keep pb in the pantry
EDIT:::::::::::::::::::::why is everyone freaking out over mustard & ketchup?
I tend to put jam (jelly), apple sauce and pickle (Branston type) in the fridge as we don't use those up so quickly. We use a lot of tomato sauce and peanut butter so just leave those in the cupboard. I don't even go near mustard(!) but if we did use it I would keep it in the fridge. I am in the UK so it doesn't usually get that hot very often.
I keep my mustard ketchup, salad dressing and Mayo in the fridge. Peanut butter is in the cabinet.
Yet just a few days ago someone posted on Yahoo Answers that they don't place any of the above item in the fridge. Maybe two each its own.
I refrigerate ketchup & mustard and jelly too. Not peanut butter but I my bf refrigerates it I find it hard to use.
Yes, I do all of them. The PB because I eat it slowly and if I don't refrigerate it, it goes rancid much quicker.
I refrigerate my mustard only ........ the ketchup and peanut butter stay on the counter and cupbord respectively
I always refridgerate has a different taste if it's heated up...that's just me though
id refridgerate the never goes bad so