Have you ever drank old milk and did you get sick?!
This morning before I knew it she drank the rest!
I saw the cup, but it didnt look chunky or anything, it actually looked okay.
Has this happened to any of you before?
Answers: I poured some milk for my daughter in a sippy cup last night and she didnt finish it all.
This morning before I knew it she drank the rest!
I saw the cup, but it didnt look chunky or anything, it actually looked okay.
Has this happened to any of you before?
I once drank one of those single serving size milks from McDonalds. It tasted so horrible, and smelt even worse (I didn't know this when I started drinking) so I'm assuming it had expired. I did feel a bit sick afterwards but that's about the extent of it. I'm sure nothing too bad will happen. It was only left over night so it wouldn't be THAT bad, just a little warm and a bit off. Kids are tough, I'm sure she'll be fine :) Merry Christmas
If it was left out for that period, she probably won't get severe food poisoning, but maybe some stomach cramps and bloating. It's not safe to leave out perishable food at all (especially milk, meat, and eggs), but she won't be severely sick. Just be careful next time.
If she doesn't drink it, dump it.