Can coffee help you retain more information while studying?!
That it was not just a wives tale but it statistically let you remember more while reading or studying?
Does anyone know if this is actually the case?
Answers: It was told to me that coffee can help you retain more information while studying?
That it was not just a wives tale but it statistically let you remember more while reading or studying?
Does anyone know if this is actually the case?
Caffiene can increase your alertness level. Depending on each individual, it may assist someone with retaining information indirectly.
But, did you know blueberries DO increase your brain power? It's proven in laboratories that the blue pigment in blueberries has the highest concentration among fruits for antioxitants which fight cancer as well as a protien that stimulates the growth of NEW neural pathways.
In short, blueberries can help you remember more information, and remember it faster.
I don't know for this one but I do know that coffee is very helpful with other ways
No, coffee is not meant for that, ADD medicine can make you retain more information.