Have you ever ate dog food?!
Answers: thats funny when i was 18 (long time ago) some one was fixing corn beef hash, i never heard of it and it smelt and looked like can dog food. they told me it was corn beef hash i tried it knowing it was really dog food but it was only hash and i liked it...
yes..and it wasn't as good
as it would seem..
the way dogs it that stuff
oh yea one time when i was really hungry and i... ARE YOU SERIOUS?? of course not!!
no, times haven't gotten that hard for me
yes my and my brother used to eat it all the time when we were littl i used to love the little bones in kibbles and bits the soft and chewy
LOL no, but my when my sister was a baby we couldn't keep her away from the stuff. My parents would tell her NO, but she would just stare at it and say " mmmmmmmmm"
Never ewwwww.......
yes & still do sometimes; i'm 43 & homeless, plus some is actually delicious: dry dog food that is?
Ok not dog food but i have tried beggin strips lol!! Not to bad at all (we were also a lil toasted )
not that i know of?????????????