How many times a week do you eat potatoes?!
Answers: My husband has them almost every day, and it's become a standing joke in our house. Just wondering if there's anyone else out there who's addicted to potatoes. :-)
I love tata's too. I would like to eat them more than I do - especially creamy buttery - NO LUMP mash...oh boy. It has to be the ultimate comfort food. If your on a downer or are looking for something to clear your hangover....think mash.
What an underrated veg :
Crispy roastiz.
Baked the old fashioned way in the oven.
Fat chips.
Crushed with garlic and olive oil - baked.
Dauphinaise bake.
Banger's & mash.
Mash &beanz.
Cheez & tata pie.
Try curry with mash - - - -it's fab.........Honest.
Mash & fish.
Salad mash & beetroot. oh!
Keep up with the tata's. How lovely.
It's good to have a standin' joke - especially about tata's!!!
Ha ha!!! Have a very Merry Christmas.........XXX
Less than once a week. I dont like it much
twice a week - we eat alot of rice and pasta
Every day.
no, but i think they are really good =)
theres so many different ways to prepare them.
Pretty much everyday in some form or another, sometimes more than once a day. They are so tasty and versitile.
Not much. They make lots of good food, but they aren't my favourite.
less than once a week
Every day.
around 3 times a week
ME!!! I love potatoes, mashed, fried, twice baked, in a chip! lol....I try not to eat them too much, because of they are heavy in carbs, but I love, love, love them too!!!
i think i eat it like 4 times a week. its just one of those foods u can make it in heaps of different types of meals.
i think would have to eat potatoes about maybe once a week. Not more than that.
I fix mashed potatoes about once every other week. Don't care to run them in the ground.
maybe once a week if that
we pretty much have at least one form of potato dish every night with dinner. Baked, roast, mash, chips, potato salad etc. I would say we dont have them once a week.
My mom made potatoes EVERY night when I was growing up. If we didn't have potatoes at the house to make with dinner, my dad insisted either 1.) someone go to the store for a bag or 2.) we go out to eat at the local 'grandma's diner" down the road. When my husband and I first got married, I made them every day for the first year, but then he claimed they made him gain too much weight... so now we don't have them as often. :-( But if I could make them everyday, I would!
we have them almost every day - after all they can be eaten in so many forms:
Baked, mashed, roasted, boiled and of course chipped.
How many other food sources can be so varied. Of course we do have pasta once a week as well.
probably every day near enough usually as chips or crisps
Not me, I can't stand potatoes.
But I AM addicted to Chicken En Croute and Bachelors Super noodles..
Pastry and noodles go SO well.
probably once a month. In my house we eat rice every day
about 6 times a week boiled fried roast mash any way yummy
i eat 2 days potatoes in week but potatoes are not good for our health bcoz if we eat more potatoes we are having gas.
I am Irish and I eat them as many times a week I can. The Potato famine is what sent a lot of the Irish to there death back in the early 1800 to there deaths. This was the staple of there survival. Just a little history on the potato.
This household is Irish and German--we eat a LOT of potatoes...three times a week or more.
everyday. i love potatoes
Pretty much everyday too !!!
Either Jacket or New !!
I only eat it fried and that makes it impossible for me to eat since i'm watching my weight. But for the weight, i'lld eat it every day.
Six times. But on Wednesday, of course, I don't eat them; I take them instead to my local potato-throwing party. Just a few friends and local businessmen.
nope sry! i only eat potatoes about once a week