What does a butcher do?!
Answers: cuts innocent animals in half.
he butches
* Helps customers to choose meat products in butcher shops, delicatessens, and supermarkets, and gives advice on its uses and cooking methods
* Breaks down and bones animal carcasses to saleable cuts of meat for customers
* Cuts and trays different styles and types of meat for display and sale
* Cures and smokes meat, makes sausages and smallgoods for sale
* Forecasts customer needs and plans future production for a butchery or supermarket meat unit
* Maintains a hygienic working environment
* Sharpens and maintains knives and butchery equipment
uh... it cuts up meat.. then sells it for money.. if u wanna put in in just a few words its a Animal killer
He butchers meat.
duh! He buys, cleans, cuts up, and sells meat.
let's women take men for everything they've got in the divorce..
cuts meat, duh!
i use to work for a butcher,the above answers are only part of it
A butcher tends to cut meat from animals and present it as the consumer wishes to buy it.
A butcher prepares meat, usually red meat for sale. A butcher will also manufacture meat products for sausages, pies and stir-fries.
cuts up nice juicy steak and porkchops animal lovers eat your heart out
He prepares meat and sells it to people.
cuts sells buys meat
He takes a butcher knife and cuts meat