What do you think about this article, "French Women Don't Get Fat"?!
According to French Women Don't Get Fat, French women:
*Drink water all day long
*Consistently choose their own indulgences and compensations
*Plan their meals in advance, think in terms of menus, and enjoy shopping to create healthful meals.
*Don't snack or eat mindlessly, pay attention to what they are putting into their bodies.
*Enjoy dining in as much as dining out, and love to entertain at home.
*Walk as much as possible, prefer to take the stairs, believe exercise should come in the course of one's natural movement during the day, and frown on the American practice of "working out and sweating at the gym".
*Eat for pleasure.
*Care enormously about how food is presented
*Dress even to take out the trash, follow fashion closely, but don't follow trends.
*Focus on the simple pleasures, enjoy the moment and avoid anything that demands too much effort for too little pleasure
*Believe "love is slimming"
*Never go on formal diet.
Answers: Is it cool or not? Do you have any comments?
According to French Women Don't Get Fat, French women:
*Drink water all day long
*Consistently choose their own indulgences and compensations
*Plan their meals in advance, think in terms of menus, and enjoy shopping to create healthful meals.
*Don't snack or eat mindlessly, pay attention to what they are putting into their bodies.
*Enjoy dining in as much as dining out, and love to entertain at home.
*Walk as much as possible, prefer to take the stairs, believe exercise should come in the course of one's natural movement during the day, and frown on the American practice of "working out and sweating at the gym".
*Eat for pleasure.
*Care enormously about how food is presented
*Dress even to take out the trash, follow fashion closely, but don't follow trends.
*Focus on the simple pleasures, enjoy the moment and avoid anything that demands too much effort for too little pleasure
*Believe "love is slimming"
*Never go on formal diet.
C'mon. In the U.S. they try to tell us its not your fault your obese, theres a gene that causes it! Sure there is. And that gene isn't found in France?
I think they take the fat ones in the back and render them down into a sauce to serve over foie gras.
The men stay skinny running away in every war they get into. My 2 cents.