Who cant function without..?!
Answers: that first hot drink of the day? x
Ohh God no!! At least three cups of tea before I can function!
coffe and a smoke that's me set for the day
i so cant, if i dont get that first coffee in the morning i'm ratty as hell and daft too haha
i can't live without my hot tea!
i do cause im too lazy to make it..lol
I dont drink NOTHING hot in the morning midday or night
me. i don't drink hot drinks
Me, I am not worth talking to until i'v had two coffees
A fresh orange juice will be better.
Coffee and Cig for me..
3 cups of strong coffee before i can start the day.
Me, hot strong and white ......no sugar.
Then I rock.
As i always explain to my colleagues on the early shift, NO COFFEE, NO WORKEE!!!!
I prefer a glass of fruit juice
Me! If I don't have my coffee in the morning my brain refuses to work.
I am convinced that my body needs coffee...I have tried to cut down on caffein and last week went 2 days without any...was falling asleep at work..I told my boss I didn't feel well and went home. My blood pressure was 60/89 when I took it at home. I had a couple cups a coffee and later my pressure was normal...I just cannot function without it.!!
I can function without a coffee first thing in the morning but not nearly as well as I can with a coffee in me. I do get a headache if I don't get my coffee before work. I can have my coffee 2 hours late but the headache will not go away because of the withdrawl haha
Must have a big cup of tea.