Since bread is square, then why is sandwich meat round?!
It depends on what kind of meat you are talking about, but usually the meat gets pressed and formed into a "natural" looking chunk or, in the case of salami, it gets pressed into a tube because that's easiest. Basically with turkey and ham, etc, they're trying to make it look as "real" as possible so you're not grossed out. But think about it, have you ever seen a turkey with a 5 pound chunk of boneless meat? The producers have to chop it up and press it together, which once again, would be tough to make into a square.
Answers: It would be incredibly difficult to make square sandwich meat.
It depends on what kind of meat you are talking about, but usually the meat gets pressed and formed into a "natural" looking chunk or, in the case of salami, it gets pressed into a tube because that's easiest. Basically with turkey and ham, etc, they're trying to make it look as "real" as possible so you're not grossed out. But think about it, have you ever seen a turkey with a 5 pound chunk of boneless meat? The producers have to chop it up and press it together, which once again, would be tough to make into a square.
that is a great question I have always wondered the same thing. i don't know'
That's a very good question! Some lunch meat is square. I guess you could put the round kind on a hamburger bun.
Why are there 8 hotdogs in a pack and 10 hotdog buns in a pack.
Brother Dave Gardner, a southerner once remarked that his school teacher told him that Pi r square, in Math but he said, Oh, no Pie are round, Cake are square.
Sandwich meat is squirted from a machine in to the casings. Cant squirt square
If you by cold cuts, they cut thin slices of ham or turky etc. I do not recall turkrys being square!
I thing bread is alot easier to make square than round but not all bread is square.
Good point.
I've seen some deli that sell there meats in square form, but in the packaged meat section, 99% are all round. It's a conspiracy!